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신선한 삼겹살

부산에서 가장 맛있는 신선한 삼겹살을 저렴하게 제공합니다.


국내산 삼겹살을 사용하여 최고의 맛을 자랑합니다. 저렴한 가격에 제공합니다.

매운 양념갈비

매콤하고 달콤한 양념으로 맛을 더한 갈비입니다.

소금구이 삼겹살

소금으로 간단하게 구운 삼겹살로 진한 맛을 느껴보세요.

특제 소스

우리 가게의 특제 소스는 삼겹살과 완벽한 조화를 이룹니다.

신선한 채소

신선한 채소와 함께 제공되어 건강한 식사를 즐길 수 있습니다.

부산식 김치

부산의 전통 김치로 삼겹살과 함께 즐기면 더욱 맛있습니다.

Two large, roasted pork knuckles situated in a foil tray inside an oven. The meat appears well-cooked, with a rich brown color and crispy exterior.
Two large, roasted pork knuckles situated in a foil tray inside an oven. The meat appears well-cooked, with a rich brown color and crispy exterior.
Four people are seated around a table in a Korean BBQ restaurant, engaging in a lively conversation. The environment showcases a modern dining space with wooden interiors and large windows that allow in natural light. A sign with 'Palsaik Korean BBQ Restaurant' is visible on the wall.
Four people are seated around a table in a Korean BBQ restaurant, engaging in a lively conversation. The environment showcases a modern dining space with wooden interiors and large windows that allow in natural light. A sign with 'Palsaik Korean BBQ Restaurant' is visible on the wall.


부산의 맛있는 삼겹살을 경험해보세요! 다양한 사진들.

A cozy alleyway features a small food stall with a bright red neon sign reading 'BBQ'. The stall is made of wood and has an industrial-style vent. People are gathered around the stall and seated at outdoor tables, enjoying food and conversation. String lights are hung across the alley, and the surrounding walls are made of dark and brown brick.
A cozy alleyway features a small food stall with a bright red neon sign reading 'BBQ'. The stall is made of wood and has an industrial-style vent. People are gathered around the stall and seated at outdoor tables, enjoying food and conversation. String lights are hung across the alley, and the surrounding walls are made of dark and brown brick.
A bowl filled with a large slice of pink, cooked pork, a marinated egg with a shiny brown surface, and a side of dark leafy greens, set on a wooden table.
A bowl filled with a large slice of pink, cooked pork, a marinated egg with a shiny brown surface, and a side of dark leafy greens, set on a wooden table.
A variety of dishes are arranged on a wooden table, featuring grilled meat skewers, a large piece of roasted ribs garnished with onions and peppers, bowls of soup, and plates of white rice. The presentation is rustic with a focus on hearty, flavorful food selections.
A variety of dishes are arranged on a wooden table, featuring grilled meat skewers, a large piece of roasted ribs garnished with onions and peppers, bowls of soup, and plates of white rice. The presentation is rustic with a focus on hearty, flavorful food selections.