국민 삼겹살에 오신 것을 환영합니다

부산의 맛있는 삼겹살 가게, 저렴한 가격으로 최고의 맛을 제공합니다. 고객님들의 만족을 위해 항상 최선을 다하고 있습니다.

A dimly lit street scene at night featuring a brightly lit sign for a Korean BBQ restaurant called 'Meat Love.' The street is wet, possibly from rain, and reflects colorful lights. A person walks alone towards the restaurant, carrying a bag. Several other people are visible in the background, some with umbrellas, and there are a few vehicles parked alongside.
A dimly lit street scene at night featuring a brightly lit sign for a Korean BBQ restaurant called 'Meat Love.' The street is wet, possibly from rain, and reflects colorful lights. A person walks alone towards the restaurant, carrying a bag. Several other people are visible in the background, some with umbrellas, and there are a few vehicles parked alongside.
정말 맛있어요! 강력 추천합니다.



위치 안내

부산에 위치한 국민 삼겹살에서 맛있는 삼겹살을 저렴하게 즐기세요. 언제든지 방문해 주세요!


부산광역시 중구 중앙대로 123


매일 11시